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How to Change for Better
FAO-NCVC Quick Guide Series
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FAO-NCVC Quick Guide Series

How to Change for Better

Behavioral scientist and professor Katy Milkman explores the inner workings of change in her book How to Change: The Science of Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.

In this course, you’ll learn about behavioral change and explore strategies you can use to achieve your own goals. You’ll also discover what keeps us from changing and how we can overcome these typical barriers to change.

How to Upload Sampling Points to GPS Device
FAO-NCVC Quick Guide Series
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FAO-NCVC Quick Guide Series

How to Upload Sampling Points to GPS Device

About this quick guide:

This quick guide show the user how to upload sample points to GPS devices. This is necessary when planning to undertake different types of field missions. This quick guide targets technical staff in the four technical departments of NCVC. The guide covers 4 steps including preparing list of field sampling points, creating KML file of the sampling points, reviewing and evaluating the selected sample points in Google Earth, and uploading the sample point to GPS using BaseCamp software.

Pre-requisites and Requirements:

The quick guide only requires the user to have general computing skills. To complete and apply the steps covered, you need software (Microsoft Excel, Google Earth, and Basecamp) and a GPS units such as Garmin i66. The guide also requires the user to have access to Internet service.